Briefer futility

If you've noticed a slight reduction in the posting frequency here it's not your imagination; I'm no longer spending multiple hours on carefully researched essays doomed to have zero effect on the world, and can't imagine I'll change my mind on that anytime soon (though I may use this space to capture longer thoughts on various topics).

However, I do still occasionally spend multiple seconds on 140 character squibs doomed to have zero effect on the world, which you can see at (or @DistantOcean, as those kids who won't get off of my lawn would say).

Many thanks to everyone who spent time reading and commenting here over the years; to the extent that it felt worthwhile, y'all made it so.

9 thoughts on “Briefer futility”

  1. Big thanks for all your previous thoughts John.
    I know the feeling of non effectiveness, and the endless head banging repetition that make it all seem useless. But, I dunno, my drive against the odds and the trend just make me fight harder. I’m just stubborn in that way I guess.


  2. We still miss you, John. Do consider posting again, even if only to tell us about what you are doing.
    I wonder how come there is no spam in these comments…
    Regards, Faheem


  3. Very sad. Twitter appears to be deliberately designed to reduce discourse to an absolutely infantile level. It is a brilliant capitalist invention!


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