Revealed in the clauses

Looking at that Syria quote brought home to me just how much Hillary Clinton's true nature is revealed in her choices of clauses.  Here it is again:

Yes, I think there could be a civil war with a very determined and well-armed and eventually well-financed opposition that is, if not directed by, certainly influenced by defectors from the army.

The key word there is the otherwise-superfluous eventually, which makes it clear that Clinton is not just speculating about one possible outcome but outlining an offer to interested parties.  She's saying to any Syrians who're paying attention: look, start calling yourselves something plausibly authentic like the Syrian Liberation Council, ally yourself with military elements we plan to use as proxies after the Assad government is brought down, and if you manage to establish yourselves as the most promising clients in the country we'll anoint you as The Official Syrian Opposition and make sure you have the weapons and cash you need.

Matter-of-fact solicitation for a bloody civil war is a good start, but the depth of Hillary's vampiric psychopathy is most clearly revealed by the clauses in her infamously bellicose threat to "totally obliterate" Iran:

ABC News' Chris Cuomo asked Clinton what she would do if Iran attacked Israel with nuclear weapons.

"I want the Iranians to know that if I'm the president, we will attack Iran," Clinton said. "In the next 10 years, during which they might foolishly consider launching an attack on Israel, we would be able to totally obliterate them."

Consider her choice of the phrase be able to.  Clinton obviously wasn't saying that some increase in military power would be required before the U.S. would be able to obliterate Iran; no, "be able to" strikes me as being not so much about capabilities as eager anticipation.  And even if you don't accept that, her barely-contained enthusiasm comes across even more clearly through the also-superfluous intensifier "totally"—as though the threat of mere "obliteration" from the world's largest military power (and the only country to kill hundreds of thousands of human beings with nuclear weapons) was somehow insufficient to communicate the full measure of her intended menace.

It goes without saying that a willingness to shed unworthy people's blood is a requirement for high office in the U.S., but for reasons exactly like these Clinton has always struck me as someone who takes it beyond willingness to a twisted aspiration—and phrases like "be able to" and "totally" are Clinton's mania peeking through her mask of neoliberal rationality.  I have little doubt that one of her happiest days will be when rather than having to settle for the second-hand thrill of being Secretary of State in the most warlike administration in recent years, she finally has the deep satisfaction of ordering killings herself.

11 thoughts on “Revealed in the clauses”

  1. That’s what experience will do for you. Why spend time screwing around with sanctions and no-fly zones? If she’s learned anything over the past decades, it’s that you start the two-minute hate early and often. What took Bush months to accomplish before attacking Iraq, Obama managed to do to Gaddafi in weeks. Ambition would require her to reduce that to days (maybe hours if she wanted to show up the Rhodes scholar).


  2. When you say one of her happiest days “will be”, rather than “would be”, you seem to be predicting that Hillary will ascend to the role of Commander in Chief of Killing Foreigners. I think that might happen, and one possible path would be the announcement by Obama that “once is enough” and he will not run for re-election, at some time prior to the Democratic Party Convention.
    Let us continue with our own plans, and if they are in accord with destiny we may reap a rich reward.


  3. She was responding to Cuomo’s question about what would she do if Iran attacked Israel with nuclear weapons? Where exactly would these weapons come from, since Iran has none?


  4. Catherine: I believe the answer is “From thin air”, much like Iraq’s WMDs. The attack itself would hardly need to be real either, so long as it was reported by the media.


  5. Ah, “thin air,” the answer to everything! Thanks, harpfool. Does your name mean you’re crazy for harps, or that you play one?


  6. No, I played in an alt-country band called Luckyfool, but am currently just playing informally for fun and trying to write a commercially successful song. 🙂
    I’ve added my website link to my name here, and you can link from my website to my MySpace page where some tracks are posted. Thanks for your interest Catherine!
    Oh, and I’m located just north of Toronto Canada.
    [John, thanks for providing a warm place for folks to converse 🙂 ]


  7. There are reptiles with warmer blood than Hillary Clinton. Every time she opens her mouth nothing but fecal matter falls out of it.


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