Charlton Heston warned us about this

I'm telling you:

Ron Greve expects the worst is yet to come in the oil spill drama that is haranguing beach towns all along the US Gulf Coast. So, like a growing number of residents, the Pensacola Beach solar-cell salesman took a hazardous materials class and received a "hazmat card" upon graduation.

Those cards, says Mr. Greve, could become critical in coming weeks and months. In the case of a hurricane hitting the 250-mile wide slick and pushing it over sand dunes and into beach towns, residents fear they’ll face not only mass evacuations, but potential permanent relocation. […]

In the case of a "toxic storm," only residents with hazmat cards would be allowed to cross bridges to return home, Greve says, since toxicity risks would be too high for untrained residents.

"You’d have to have these cards to be able to return," says Mr. Greve. "In these classes, they basically tell you that swallowing even a small amount of the oil or getting some on your hands and then having a smoke could be deadly."

See, of Charlton Heston's many fine science fiction films I was really hoping it'd be Planet of the Apes that turned out to be the most accurate, because, you know, apes.  But Soylent Green keeps looking more like a pre-documentary every day.

So we've got the jackbooted stormtroopers in Fortress Toronto and the hazmat cards in Florida.  Now we just have to get the jackbooted stormtroopers demanding our hazmat cards, and we're halfway there!

4 thoughts on “Charlton Heston warned us about this”

  1. Off your main topic but relating to your aside regarding Toronto: It took them 1 week to turn Toronto into police state central. 1 WEEK!! The security apparatus now has it all ready to go literally overnight. TO has been dehumanized – looks like Moscow or T Square, and all the cops and rent-a-cops are just dyin’ fer a fight. So getting back to your main point: if there’s a perfect storm, the stormtroopers can be there and up and running quicker than you can say “freedom of movement”… or just “freedom”.


  2. Just a follow-up – something a tad bathetic about fuzz in shorts using bicycles as weapons – just shows they knew they’d be dealing with unarmed basically peaceable folks – try that in Afghanistan…


  3. Long poles through the spokes and in the chest (think lances). Two by fours to the head.
    All hypothetically, of course.
    And Soylent Green is one of my favourite films, and not because it’s feel-good.


  4. Reminds me of the cuirassiers bearing down on makeshift barricades during the revolution in Les Miserables.


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