And by “do not” I mean “do”

Barack Obama at a press conference last Wednesday:

When there is a civilian casualty, that is not just a political problem for me. I am ultimately accountable, just as General McChrystal is accountable, for somebody who is not on the battlefield who got killed. And that's something that I have to carry with me, and that anybody who is involved in a military operation has to carry with them.

And so we do not take that lightly.

Barack Obama ten days earlier:

The Jonas Brothers are here.  (Applause.)  They're out there somewhere.  Sasha and Malia are huge fans.  But, boys, don't get any ideas.  (Laughter.)  I have two words for you — predator drones.  (Laughter.)  You will never see it coming.  (Laughter.) You think I'm joking.  (Laughter.)

Yes, I too have always felt that the best way to demonstrate that I do not take something lightly is to use it as a punch line for one of my jokes.

9 thoughts on “And by “do not” I mean “do””

  1. Obama would never laugh at an Afghan being murdered from the air by our brave troops at Langley. Why doesn’t he care about Americans being killed by drones?
    I suppose it’s possible when someone could conceivably threaten in several years his prepubescent daughters’ precious virginity, they become enemy combatants.
    When I heard they had okayed a hit on Awlaki, I thought that it meant the playing field had finally been leveled: it was now acceptable to publicly condone assassinations of US citizens too. Clearly I misinterpreted! It’s in fact only non-citizens we need to apologize for. So this, for example, is going above and beyond the call of duty.
    That clarifies things.


  2. maybe obama could just “smart” bomb their music? i’d be cool w/that.
    after obama, geedub will only be the 2nd worst POTUS ever.


  3. Also of note, what difference would it make if he truly DOESN’T take it lightly? Who the f–k cares? What good does that do for the killed, maimed, homeless, orphaned? Judas Priest!


  4. With respect, they have us over the barrel. We aren’t going to actually do anything about it, what with prison, death and homelessness facing anyone who resists, even peacefully.
    They know it.
    We know it.
    So whimble into the ether and Bubba, Dubya and Barry kill thousands, hundreds of thousands and move on to $50k speaking fees.


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