Obama and O’Reilly share a sip from the blood cup

Just in case you missed it, here's another lovely nugget (or see the video here) to share with your Democrat friends:

Sen. Barack Obama: “Bill, what I’ve said is—I’ve already said it succeeded beyond our wildest dreams.”

Bill O’Reilly: “Right! So why can’t you just say, I was right in the beginning, and I was wrong about the surge?"

Sen. Obama: “Because there is an underlying problem with what we’ve done. We have reduced the violence…”

O’Reilly: “Yeah?”

Sen. Obama: “…but the Iraqis still haven’t taken responsibility! And we still don’t have the kind of political reconciliation. We are still spending, Bill, $10 [billion] to $12 billion a month.”

O’Reilly: “And I hope, if you’re president, you can get them to kick in and pay us back.”

Sen. Obama: “They’ve got $79 billion in New York!”

O’Reilly: “And I’ll go with you!”

Sen. Obama: “Let’s go!”

O’Reilly: “We’ll get some of that money back.”

As a friend said: let's make them pay for the whip we're using to beat them!  But as pithy a commentary as that is, it still doesn't capture the depths of moral degradation Senator Hope plumbed in his eagerness to "reach across the aisle" and bond with this reptilian creature—because as we all know, the Iraqis have been demanding that the US set a timetable for withdrawal, and the US has been adamant in its resistance.  So Obama is calling for the Iraqis to pay for the very thing he knows they're trying to force the US to stop doing.

It's also worth noting that in Obama's lexicon—as tailored to the needs  of his grasping presidential ambitions—"taking responsibility" apparently doesn't include trying to evict the foreign army occupying your country so that you can manage your own affairs.

Whatever there may once have been to admire in Obama the community organizer, it clearly hasn't survived his becoming The Candidate.

4 thoughts on “Obama and O’Reilly share a sip from the blood cup”

  1. sigh I seriously doubt you haven’t encountered the argument before, Monkay, that voting for the lesser of two evils is a highly effective way to participate in evil. Positive change doesn’t come by consciously deciding to head in the wrong direction. As has been proven out by the past 20-30 + years.
    Still, I look forward to killing fewer Iraqis and more Afghans under an Obama Administration. Then we can all unite across partisan lines and talk about what a success George Bush’s invasion was.


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