Letter from Venezuela

A must-read, not just for anyone who’s been brainwashed by the US media’s depiction of Venezuela but for those of us who’ve made a conscious effort to resist it as well.

I’m always dismayed that no matter how hard I work to keep the propaganda out of my brain, on topic after topic, pockets of it still fester beneath the surface.  It shows that disinformation really does work; despite your best efforts, if you spend every day in the rain, you’re going to get wet.

5 thoughts on “Letter from Venezuela”

  1. you don’t have to swallow the MSM’s hysteria about chavez to know that he’s another leftist-statist-corporatist with a personality cult.


  2. “Ah, good to see the old libertarianism is still kicking.”
    ah, good to see the viagra is working for the old rhetorical legerdemain.


  3. I admit, the Viagra made me say it. I especially like the pairing of “leftist” and “corporatist.”


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